Master of Theology

Conditions for admission to college programs:

1- The academic qualification of Bachelor of Theology students should not be less than a higher academic qualification (Bachelor – License)

2- The academic qualification of Diploma of Theology students should not be less than an intermediate and above-intermediate qualification (Technical Diplomas – General Secondary)

3- The average age of admission should not be less than 18 years in the case of Diploma of Theology or 23 years in the case of Bachelor.

4- The student should be a member of a local church.

5- The student should have a clear renewal test.

6- The student should have a true testimony of a life of piety and dignity from his home and church.

7- The student is accepted after passing a written exam and a personal interview and completing all the required documents.

8- If the applicant is married, the life partner must be present for the personal interview.

9- It is preferable for the student to have his service in his local church if possible.

10- The student’s application for admission will not be accepted without a written recommendation from his church pastor. A phone call or interview will be made with the pastor if necessary.

11- Applicants for a master’s degree must hold higher academic qualifications (Bachelor’s – Master’s) in addition to having a Bachelor’s degree in Theology from one of the accredited colleges with a very good – excellent overall rating.

12- Applicants for a doctoral degree must hold higher academic qualifications (Bachelor’s – Master’s) in addition to having a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Theology from one of the accredited colleges with a very good – excellent overall rating.

Specialized Master's:

The study takes two years: 9 months general study – 9 months specialized study – 6 months for the thesis

  • 9 months (general study) consisting of six courses (each course takes five weeks + one week break)
  • 9 months specialized studies in: Theology – Biblical Studies – Pastoral and Service – Apologetics – Counseling.
  • 6 months for the Master’s thesis.

First: Common courses for all specializations:

  • علم التفسير المبنى على اللغات الأصلية Exegesis

اللغة الإنجليزية 2

English 02

اللغة العبرية 3

Hebrew 03

اللغة العربية 2

Arabic 02

اللغة اليونانية 3

Greek 03

  • طرائق البحث والكتابة 2

Research and Writing Methods 02

Second: Specialization courses (some of these courses are selected)



الدراسات الكتابية

Biblical Studies

الرعاية والخدمة






عقيدة الكتاب المقدس


سفر الرؤيا

The Book of Revelation

التلمذة الروحية

Spiritual Discipleship

أسس الإيمان المسيحي

Basics of Christian Faith

علم النفس والتنمية البشرية

Human Development

لاهوت الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية

Orthodoxy Theology

قضايا لاهوتية في العهد الجديد

Theological Issues _ NT

موسيقا الكتاب المقدس

Music in the Bible

عقيدة الكتاب المقدس


مشورة الأزمات

Trauma Counseling

لاهوت الكتاب المقدس بعهديه

Theology of the Bible

قضايا لاهوتية في العهد القديم

Theological Issues _ OT

علم اللاهوت الراعوي

Pastoral Theology


The Cross

الطب النفسي وتشريح الشخصية

Psychiatry and Personality

الخلاص في الفكر المصلَح

Salvation in the Reformed-Church Belief

أدب الشعر العبري

Hebrew Literature

الإدارة الكنسية

Church Management

أديان مقارنة

Comparative Religions

سيكولوچية الإدمان

The psychology of addiction

لاهوت العصور الوسطى

Medieval Theology

علم النقد الكتابي

Biblical Criticism

علم الوعظ


أديان العالم

World religions

مشورة الطفل

Counseling for children

لاهوت توما الأكويني

Theology of Thomas Aquinas

الأدب الرؤيوي

Apocalyptic Literature

التلمذة الروحية

Spiritual Discipleship

فلسفة الإلحاد


فنيات علم المشورة

Counseling techniques



أجناس الأمم

Races of Nations

لاهوت العمل الإرسالي

Theology of Missionary Work

تيارات فكرية معاصرة

Contemporary cults and movements

المشورة العلاجية

Therapeutic counseling

تاريخ الفكر المسيحي

History of Christian Theology

الفكر اللاهوتي لبولس

Pauline Theology

تشكيل الخدمة

Ministry formation

الكرازة المعاصرة

Contemporary Evangelism

قلب وفكر المسيح في المشورة

Christ’s heart and mind


تسابيح وصلوات بولس

Praises and Prayers of Paul

زرع الكنائس

Church planting

أديان العالم

World Religions

بناء شخصية المشير

Counselor’s character


مخطوطات الكتاب المقدس

Bible manuscripts

استراتيجية نمو الكنيسة

Church growth strategy

تيارات فكرية معاصرة

Contemporary cults and movements

تكنيك المشورة وفنيات المقابلة

Counseling and interview techniques


الوكالة المسيحية

Christian Stewardship

مذاهب منحرفة

Deviant Sects

الإرشاد الأسري

Family counseling




المدارس العلاجية

Medical schools


الديانات الإبراهيمية

Abrahamic religions

الاضطراب النفسي

Mental disorders


أنماط الشخصية

Personality Patterns


أسس علم النفس العام

Foundations of psychology


صعوبات التعلم

Learning difficulties


سيكولوچية ذوي الإعاقات

Psychology of disabled


الرعاية والتأهيل

Care and rehabilitation

General Terms:

1- A Master’s degree is awarded to holders of an accredited Bachelor of Theology in addition to a higher academic qualification (Bachelor’s/Licentiate)

2- A Higher Diploma degree is awarded to holders of an accredited Bachelor of Theology in addition to a higher academic qualification (Bachelor’s/Licentiate).

3- The specialization is determined during the period of joint preparatory studies (joint courses).

4- The specialization is chosen only from the departments accredited by the college (Biblical Studies – Master of Theology – Apologetics – Counseling – Service and Care).

5- The study system is online and interactive in addition to the semester system.

6- The thesis is supervised academically by the college, and a committee consisting of 3 members holding a doctorate degree is held to discuss the final thesis

Please fill out the form to apply to the Master of Theology program.